A pEek on the lab
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Contacts: Enrique MIRANDA, enrique.miranda@uab.cat- Jordi SUÑÉ, jordi.sune@uab.cat
Web-site: https://www.uab.cat/departament/enginyeria-electronica/
Electronic components laboratory
Experimental Equipment
Electronic components laboratory
Precision Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer
Enrique Miranda
Enrique Miranda is Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain. He has a PhD in Electronics Engineering from the UAB (1999) and a PhD in Physics from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (2001).
He received numerous scholarships and awards including: RAMON y CAJAL (UAB), DAAD (Technical University Hamburg-Harburg), MATSUMAE (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), TAN CHIN TUAN (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), WALTON Award from Science Foundation Ireland (Tyndall National Institute), Distinguished Visitor Award (Royal Academy of Engineering, UK), MILSTEIN Award (CNEA, Argentina), and Visiting Professorships from Slovak Academy of Sciences, Leverhulme Trust (University College London, UK), Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur), Universita di Modena, Cagliari, Napoli, Politecnico di Torino, Soochow University (China), and Nokia Foundation (University of Turku, Finland). He serves as member of the Distinguished Lecturer program of the Electron Devices Society (EDS-IEEE) since 2001.
He has authored and co-authored around 250 peer-review journal papers.
Jordi Suñé
Jordi Suñé is Full Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain. He graduated in Physics from the UAB in 1986 and got the Ph.D. degree in 1989 also from the UAB. He is Fellow of the IEEE since 2010.
Research fellow at IMEC (fall of 1989) and at the University of Bologna (1990,1991).
Coordinator of NANOCOMP, a UAB research group dedicated to the modeling and simulation of electron devices with a multi-scale approach during the past 15 years.
At present, he coordinates neuromimeTICs, a research group with focus on neuromorphic electronics towards deep learning applications. He is the local PI of the European project (PANACHE) on emerging non-volatile memories based on resistive switching.